Jhansi: Narendra Modi on Friday launched an all-out attack on Rahul Gandhi in Jhansi. The BJP's prime ministerial candidate went after the Congress Vice President for claiming Muslim youth affected by the Muzaffarnagar riots were in contact with Pakistani intelligence agency ISI.
Modi said if Rahul is not able to reveal the names of those involved, he should apologise.
"Shahzade (Prince) should tell us the names of those young people approached by ISI", said the Gujarat CM. Modi took a dig at Rahul for blaming the BJP for spreading communal hatred and speaking of ISI being in touch with Muzaffarnagar victims.
But Congress General Secretary and spokesperson Digvijaya Singh said Rahul needs to be understood correctly. "Rahul should be listened to carefully. He is right; BJP is spreading politics of hate."
Modi said if Rahul is not able to reveal the names of those involved, he should apologise.
"Shahzade (Prince) should tell us the names of those young people approached by ISI", said the Gujarat CM. Modi took a dig at Rahul for blaming the BJP for spreading communal hatred and speaking of ISI being in touch with Muzaffarnagar victims.
But Congress General Secretary and spokesperson Digvijaya Singh said Rahul needs to be understood correctly. "Rahul should be listened to carefully. He is right; BJP is spreading politics of hate."
Samajwadi Party leader Naresh Agarwal also hit back at their ally at the Centre saying it is not morally correct to question Muslims and their involvement in terrorist activities.
Modi, meanwhile, got unexpected support from a top Muslim cleric Maulana Kalbe Sadiq. Sadiq said, "If we think there is any change in the attitude of Mr Modi then we can obviously consider forgetting the entire issue." So far, Modi has given hopes of sticking to a strategy in order to realise the aspired goals of Young India but whether he will be able to maintain that strategy remains to be seen.
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