31 Oct 2013

Nokia Lumia 800 survives a three and a half month dive in a lake

A diamond may be forever, but Nokia phones come pretty dang close to matching diamonds in toughness. Case in point, a Swedish man who dropped his phone in a lake three and a half months ago. He recently found his Lumia 800 and the results are pretty typical of Nokia devices that go to hell and back.

Roger Nilsson lost his Nokia Lumia 800 in a lake and was able to recover it. The first Windows Phone handset from Nokia was at the bottom of this lake for 3.5 months until he was able to retrieve it. The condition? Covered in algae. Here’s what Roger say’s happened after recovering the device:

“Took it home and started to clean as best I could, shells and shit on display, green goo around the entire phone some other stuff.  Let it dry on a radiator and then I put in the charger cable in the belief that either can plug into the house or the charger into pieces

Imagine my surprise when it boots up as usual!  Everything works just like before, the camera is great, and battery life is two days and so on.”

And there you have it ladies and gentleman, your Lumia 800 can survive at the bottom of a lake that any of us. The Lumia 800 is a survivor, it was earlier in April when another story took the phone into an icy lake.

Now we just need to upgrade Roger to Windows Phone 8.


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