17 Sept 2013

6 Posts You Should Never Click On Facebook And Twitter

Bangalore: Social media, be it Facebook or Twitter or others, with more than a billion active users across the globe, are becoming tempting ground for cyber criminals to spread malwares. Often embedded in the attractive post on social media, the malwares are just a click away from infecting your systems. ESET, an antivirus and security software company, has come up with security tips on social posts, be it on Facebook or any other social media, that one should never click on. Read on to know 6 of them.People follow celebrity stories reverently. Cyber criminals want to cash on this weakness by posting catchy celebrity stories, which may appear on your timeline. It may be a false story with links to malware. So it is often safer to Google the subject of a link or type a website's main URL into a browser instead of clicking the link.


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